Class Task

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractCvsTask, AbstractJarSignerTask, Ant, Antlib, AntlibDefinition, ANTLR, AntStructure, AntVersion, AugmentReference, Available, Basename, BorlandGenerateClient, BuildNumber, CallTarget, Classloader, ClearCase, CloseResources, Concat, Continuus, Copy, Copyfile, CopyPath, CVSPass, DefaultExcludes, Deltree, DiagnosticsTask, Dirname, DispatchTask, Echo, EchoProperties, EmailTask, Exec, ExecTask, Exit, Expand, Filter, FTP, FTPTask, Funtest, GenerateKey, Get, HostInfo, ImportTask, Input, IPlanetEjbcTask, JarLibAvailableTask, JarLibDisplayTask, JarLibManifestTask, JarLibResolveTask, Java, JavaCC, Javadoc, Javah, JDBCTask, JDependTask, JJDoc, JJTree, JUnitTask, KeySubst, Length, LoadProperties, LoadResource, Local, MacroInstance, MakeUrl, ManifestClassPath, ManifestTask, MatchingTask, Mkdir, MSVSS, Nice, P4Base, Pack, Parallel, Patch, PathConvert, Property, PropertyFile, PropertyHelperTask, Pvcs, Recorder, Rename, ReplaceRegExp, ResourceCount, Retry, RExecTask, Rpm, Script, ScriptDefBase, Sequential, ServerDeploy, SetProxy, Sleep, SOS, SoundTask, SplashTask, SSHBase, SubAnt, Sync, TaskAdapter, TelnetTask, TempFile, Touch, Truncate, Tstamp, UnknownElement, Unpack, UpToDate, WhichResource, XmlProperty, XMLResultAggregator, XMLValidateTask

public abstract class Task
extends ProjectComponent

Base class for all tasks. Use Project.createTask to create a new task instance rather than using this class directly for construction.

See Also:

Field Summary
protected  Target target
          Deprecated. since 1.6.x. You should not be accessing this variable directly. Please use the getOwningTarget() method.
protected  java.lang.String taskName
          Deprecated. since 1.6.x. You should not be accessing this variable directly. Please use the getTaskName() method.
protected  java.lang.String taskType
          Deprecated. since 1.6.x. You should not be accessing this variable directly. Please use the getTaskType() method.
protected  RuntimeConfigurable wrapper
          Deprecated. since 1.6.x. You should not be accessing this variable directly. Please use the getWrapper() method.
Fields inherited from class
description, location, project
Constructor Summary
          Sole constructor.
Method Summary
 void bindToOwner(Task owner)
          Bind a task to another; use this when configuring a newly created task to do work on behalf of another.
 void execute()
          Called by the project to let the task do its work.
 Target getOwningTarget()
          Returns the container target of this task.
 RuntimeConfigurable getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper()
          Returns the wrapper used for runtime configuration.
 java.lang.String getTaskName()
          Returns the name to use in logging messages.
 java.lang.String getTaskType()
          Return the type of task.
protected  RuntimeConfigurable getWrapper()
          Return the runtime configurable structure for this task.
protected  void handleErrorFlush(java.lang.String output)
          Handles an error line by logging it with the WARN priority.
protected  void handleErrorOutput(java.lang.String output)
          Handles an error output by logging it with the WARN priority.
protected  void handleFlush(java.lang.String output)
          Handles output by logging it with the INFO priority.
protected  int handleInput(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
          Handle an input request by this task.
protected  void handleOutput(java.lang.String output)
          Handles output by logging it with the INFO priority.
 void init()
          Called by the project to let the task initialize properly.
protected  boolean isInvalid()
          Has this task been marked invalid?
 void log(java.lang.String msg)
          Logs a message with the default (INFO) priority.
 void log(java.lang.String msg, int msgLevel)
          Logs a message with the given priority.
 void log(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Throwable t, int msgLevel)
          Logs a message with the given priority.
 void log(java.lang.Throwable t, int msgLevel)
          Logs a message with the given priority.
 void maybeConfigure()
          Configures this task - if it hasn't been done already.
 void perform()
          Performs this task if it's still valid, or gets a replacement version and performs that otherwise.
 void reconfigure()
          Force the task to be reconfigured from its RuntimeConfigurable.
 void setOwningTarget(Target target)
          Sets the target container of this task.
 void setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper(RuntimeConfigurable wrapper)
          Sets the wrapper to be used for runtime configuration.
 void setTaskName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the name to use in logging messages.
 void setTaskType(java.lang.String type)
          Sets the name with which the task has been invoked.
Methods inherited from class
clone, getDescription, getLocation, getProject, setDescription, setLocation, setProject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Target target
Deprecated. since 1.6.x. You should not be accessing this variable directly. Please use the getOwningTarget() method.
Target this task belongs to, if any.


protected java.lang.String taskName
Deprecated. since 1.6.x. You should not be accessing this variable directly. Please use the getTaskName() method.
Name of this task to be used for logging purposes. This defaults to the same as the type, but may be overridden by the user. For instance, the name "java" isn't terribly descriptive for a task used within another task - the outer task code can probably provide a better one.


protected java.lang.String taskType
Deprecated. since 1.6.x. You should not be accessing this variable directly. Please use the getTaskType() method.
Type of this task.


protected RuntimeConfigurable wrapper
Deprecated. since 1.6.x. You should not be accessing this variable directly. Please use the getWrapper() method.
Wrapper for this object, used to configure it at runtime.

Constructor Detail


public Task()
Sole constructor.

Method Detail


public void setOwningTarget(Target target)
Sets the target container of this task.

target - Target in whose scope this task belongs. May be null, indicating a top-level task.


public Target getOwningTarget()
Returns the container target of this task.

The target containing this task, or null if this task is a top-level task.


public void setTaskName(java.lang.String name)
Sets the name to use in logging messages.

name - The name to use in logging messages. Should not be null.


public java.lang.String getTaskName()
Returns the name to use in logging messages.

the name to use in logging messages.


public void setTaskType(java.lang.String type)
Sets the name with which the task has been invoked.

type - The name the task has been invoked as. Should not be null.


public void init()
          throws BuildException
Called by the project to let the task initialize properly. The default implementation is a no-op.

BuildException - if something goes wrong with the build


public void execute()
             throws BuildException
Called by the project to let the task do its work. This method may be called more than once, if the task is invoked more than once. For example, if target1 and target2 both depend on target3, then running "ant target1 target2" will run all tasks in target3 twice.

BuildException - if something goes wrong with the build.


public RuntimeConfigurable getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper()
Returns the wrapper used for runtime configuration.

the wrapper used for runtime configuration. This method will generate a new wrapper (and cache it) if one isn't set already.


public void setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper(RuntimeConfigurable wrapper)
Sets the wrapper to be used for runtime configuration. This method should be used only by the ProjectHelper and Ant internals. It is public to allow helper plugins to operate on tasks, normal tasks should never use it.

wrapper - The wrapper to be used for runtime configuration. May be null, in which case the next call to getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper will generate a new wrapper.


public void maybeConfigure()
                    throws BuildException
Configures this task - if it hasn't been done already. If the task has been invalidated, it is replaced with an UnknownElement task which uses the new definition in the project.

BuildException - if the task cannot be configured.


public void reconfigure()
Force the task to be reconfigured from its RuntimeConfigurable.


protected void handleOutput(java.lang.String output)
Handles output by logging it with the INFO priority.

output - The output to log. Should not be null.


protected void handleFlush(java.lang.String output)
Handles output by logging it with the INFO priority.

output - The output to log. Should not be null.
Ant 1.5.2


protected int handleInput(byte[] buffer,
                          int offset,
                          int length)
Handle an input request by this task.

buffer - the buffer into which data is to be read.
offset - the offset into the buffer at which data is stored.
length - the amount of data to read.
the number of bytes read.
Throws: - if the data cannot be read.
Ant 1.6


protected void handleErrorOutput(java.lang.String output)
Handles an error output by logging it with the WARN priority.

output - The error output to log. Should not be null.


protected void handleErrorFlush(java.lang.String output)
Handles an error line by logging it with the WARN priority.

output - The error output to log. Should not be null.
Ant 1.5.2


public void log(java.lang.String msg)
Logs a message with the default (INFO) priority.

log in class ProjectComponent
msg - The message to be logged. Should not be null.


public void log(java.lang.String msg,
                int msgLevel)
Logs a message with the given priority. This delegates the actual logging to the project.

log in class ProjectComponent
msg - The message to be logged. Should not be null.
msgLevel - The message priority at which this message is to be logged.


public void log(java.lang.Throwable t,
                int msgLevel)
Logs a message with the given priority. This delegates the actual logging to the project.

t - The exception to be logged. Should not be null.
msgLevel - The message priority at which this message is to be logged.


public void log(java.lang.String msg,
                java.lang.Throwable t,
                int msgLevel)
Logs a message with the given priority. This delegates the actual logging to the project.

msg - The message to be logged. Should not be null.
t - The exception to be logged. May be null.
msgLevel - The message priority at which this message is to be logged.


public final void perform()
Performs this task if it's still valid, or gets a replacement version and performs that otherwise. Performing a task consists of firing a task started event, configuring the task, executing it, and then firing task finished event. If a runtime exception is thrown, the task finished event is still fired, but with the exception as the cause.


protected final boolean isInvalid()
Has this task been marked invalid?

true if this task is no longer valid. A new task should be configured in this case.
Ant 1.5


public java.lang.String getTaskType()
Return the type of task.

the type of task.


protected RuntimeConfigurable getWrapper()
Return the runtime configurable structure for this task.

the runtime structure for this task.


public final void bindToOwner(Task owner)
Bind a task to another; use this when configuring a newly created task to do work on behalf of another. Project, OwningTarget, TaskName, Location and Description are all copied Important: this method does not call init(). If you are creating a task to delegate work to, call init() to initialize it.

owner - owning target